Friday 30 October 2009

CST version 2010 Webcast

CST is excited to be presenting its brand new version 2010 software on November 18. Rather than the traditional list of new features, we'll be taking viewers through 4 complex real-world applications and highlighting new features and benefits through these examples. In particular, we'll show how our complete technology approach is becoming essential for modeling large systems.

Anyone interested in real state of the art 3D electromagnetic simulation, existing customer or not, will find this 1 hour show essential viewing.

large navy frigate
The models used in this presentation will include a large navy frigate with multiple antenna systems, an automotive instrumentation panel, an Airbus jet and a combined high-speed PCB & package system. With these examples, we'll be looking at installed antenna performance, EMC/EMI, lightning strike and signal integrity.

We are really looking forward to showing off the amazing capabilities of this new version, hope you are able to join us.

Online registration is now available.


Tuesday 6 October 2009

New Electrically Small Antennas Webcast

I've just had confirmation of when the next Electrically Small Antennas webinar will take place. It's the latest in the series from Microwave Journal and Besser Associates and this tutorial will be presented by instructor Steven Best, and sponsored by CST.

According to Besser, this 45 minute presentation is designed to provide an understanding of basic antenna property definitions such as impedance, bandwidth and quality factor with a focus on electrically small antennas. Anyone working within the field of general RF systems, wireless, cellular and microwave systems will benefit by attending. Don't miss out on this opportunity to see the presentation and ask questions in the Q&A session that follows.

The webinar will run on Tuesday, October 20, 2009; 8:00 am PDT, which is 11:00 am EDT and 3 pm UTC.

You can sign up for the webinar using this link.

Previous webcasts in the series can still be viewed "on-demand", so take a look at the Microwave Journal webpage for more details.
